All Things PDP
Exploring Paths for Personal/Academic Achievement
Complete activities that require you to face a personal or academic challenge or to help advance your professional or academic achievement in new ways.
Academic Examples:
Take a career test and meet with a Career Services staff member to discuss your results
Commit to visiting all your professors during their office hours
Explore the possibility of applying for a National Scholarship (meet with Dr. Maureen Harke)
Meet with a faculty member to explore "What Can I do with a Major in....?"
Seek out and engage in undergraduate research and creative endeavor opportunities
Job shadow someone in a field you are interested in
Meet with Government Relations to explore Capitol City Internships
Meet with a pre-med, pre-dental, pre-PT, pre-PA, pre-law advisor
Join an academic RSO in your area of study
Set up an Academic Calendar for the Semester
Short term and long term goal setting
Set up a CV or resume and take it to the Career Center
Plan out your four year academic plan with your college advisor
Research an additional major, minor, or certificate in an area of interest to you
Assess a skill you need to develop and attend a workshop
Participate in the No Grade Plan
Personal Examples:
No social media for two weeks
Confront a pre-established fear or belief (e.g. High Ropes Course)
Email 10 people close to you and ask them to write an honest statement about how they see you (including strengths and weaknesses)
Go vegetarian for a month
Wear no makeup for a week
Run a 5k for the first time
Perform publicly for the first time
Fast from gaming
Try a yoga class
Give up caffeine for a month
Start a podcast on a topic of interest
Join an RSO that intrigues you
You are not limited to these activities. You are also encouraged to find your own activities to make it personal!
Explore activities in this category here