All Things PDP
Becoming an Active Citizen/Serving the Greater Good
Identify service opportunities or issues of personal passion and take meaningful steps toward engaging with those issues.
Participate in Mary Ellen Brandell Volunteer Center Events and Programs​
Join a service RSO
Volunteer to be a mentor: scouts, youth group, sports, K-12, etc.
Participate in advocacy events
Develop an educational advocacy campaign on campus for a cause you feel passionate about
Meet with the leader of a non-profit to learn more about that organization
Join a sustainability campaign
Create/collect things for people in need: mittens, socks, face masks, sanitizer, canned food, etc.
Volunteer with a local faith-based organization
Serve with Clothing Inc. (provides clothes to local families in need)
Serve with CCN Food Pantry(provides to food to local families with food insecurity)
Serve with CCN Nutrition club backpack packing (bags of food for local children with food insecurity)
Serve with Care Store
ICRH Restoration House (local homeless shelter)
Isabella Community Soup Kitchen
Local Nursing Homes and Hospice
Humane Animal Treatment Society (HATS)
Commission on Aging Volunteer
Join CMUVotes
You are not limited to these activities. You are also encouraged to find your own activities to make it personal!
Explore activities in this category here