All Things PDP
Embracing Intellectual Growth: The Academic and Creative Life of the University
Get involved in the intellectual and creative life of the University.
Intellectual Activity Examples:
Attend an academic presentation or academic campus speaker
Meet with a professor to discuss intellectual ideas
Tour a campus academic facility
Attend an academic conference
Join a research lab
Join an academic student group
Read and become familiar with the academic journals in your discipline
Attend an Honors Faculty Chat that explores an academic or intellectual issue
Creative Event Examples:
Attend a CMU theater, music, or dance event
Attend a CMU Art Exhibit or Reception
Attend a CMU Faculty Reading
Join a fine arts student organization or performance group
Sign up for art, music, dance, or photography lessons
You are not limited to these activities. You are also encouraged to find some of your own to make it meaningful to you!
Explore activities in this category here