All Things PDP
Engaging with Diverse Ideas and People in a Global Society
Participate in CMU sponsored activities that introduce you to the people and ideas of cultures, religions, and social groups different from your own.
Campus Event Examples:
Attend a campus speaker whose topic addresses diversity/inclusion
Attend an Honors Faculty chat that addresses diversity/inclusion
Attend an event during Hispanic Heritage Month or Native American Heritage Month
Tour the Ziibiwing Native American Cultural Center or attend a local PowWow
Attend a Conversations that Matter event
Attend a Deaf Awareness Week event
Attend Study Abroad Night and follow-up with a study abroad advisor
Attend an LGBTQ+ event or a National Coming Out Day event
Join an Honors Program Book Discussion on a book about racism and inequality or other diversity topic
Attend an Honors Sponsored Movie & Discussion Night on a film that addresses diversity
Attend an event for Persons with Disabilities
Self-Directed Examples:
Volunteer as a conversation partner for an international student
Attend a religious service of a faith different than your own
Participate in a campus diversity training
Attend a rally or protest that supports diversity and inclusion to increase your knowledge of social justice issues
Enroll in a self-guided online curriculum on diversity
Become a Sexual Aggression Peer Advisor (SAPA)
Attend ally training
Join a student group that addresses diversity/inequality
You are not limited to these activities. You are also encouraged to find activities of your own to make it personal!
Explore activities in this category here