All Things PDP
Participating in the Honors Community
Interact with CMU Honors Faculty and staff outside the classroom
You are not limited to these activities. You are also encouraged to find activities of your own to make it personal. Keep in mind, activities are not limited to certain categories, it all depends on the category rationale you provide to your TA.
Some activities can be done at any time of the year and do not have a specific date or time associated with them, these activities can be found at the bottom of the page.
DO NOT sign up for any activity without prior approval of the activity and category from your TA.
Honors Outreach Network Events
Attend H.O.N. Events where you will help network within the Honors community and do service projects. You could also become an active member of the Honors Outreach Network. Email Katie Sunday, president of H.O.N., if you are interested in becoming an active member, or join the group me for updates.
Attend Honors RSO Meeting
Join an Honors RSO Meeting, such as the Honors Health Service Society, if you are interested in joining the healthcare field and enjoy doing service projects. Follow the HHSS Instagram for meeting information.