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Participating in the Honors Community

Interact with CMU Honors faculty and staff outside the classroom.



  • Participate in an Honors activity organized by the Honors office. Here are some examples of activities we are going to try to offer this semester. Check the PDP website often to see which ones are being offered on what dates and times:

    • Volunteer to help with the honors auction 

    • Helping to grade Honors Centralis scholarship applications 

    • Any event put on by the honors faculty and staff 

    • Homecoming events hosted by the honors program 

    • Art Prize trip to Grand Rapids, MI

    • Become a member of the HON (Honors Outreach Network)

    • Set up a life chat with Patty, Zach, Angela, Dr. Collins, or Dr. Harke


You are not limited to these activities. You are also encouraged to find your own activities to make it personal!


Explore activities in this category here




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